Wednesday, April 28, 2010
HELP.. Stress
HELP~ anyone can help me? I m very STRESS now... feel like wanna cry - - why tis kind of subject can make me so stress.. It is juz a simple subject, but i dun understand why ther person make it like so hard... Everything is last min... Quiz and presentation last min... Din teach oso can come out in quiz.. Help !!! I dunno how to face it tomorrow... 1 Essay, 40 MCQ and dunno how many short ans... juz 2 hour wan ppl do so much of things.. wan our life? wan to see me die = = how come dun hav any tips... Other harder subject oso give tips... Wat kind of subject is tis? GRHHHH
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Heavy Mood~
Yesterday when i was studied, i got a called again... A heavy call... It makes my mood down... Everytime i face this kind of problem is the time i nid to face something important such as my birthday and my exam~ Can everyone pls respect me? I m not a god, i cant control my mood so so so well... Tis things happen will make me no mood to study... I can promise tat, i do very well to protect "the things" ady... But, u promise me to do tat so.. Did u ? I feel doubtful~ U juz let me noe, wat u had done... so i wont be so doubtful! I noe u treat me very good, but treat me very good doesnt mean u solve the problem ady... Everytime i heard u say, u will do ur best to try to solve it... but did u really do tat? If u think, tis is very stressful for u, thn i guess u noe wat is my situation... I am very stressful as well...
Monday, April 19, 2010
First time forgot movie's show time....
This is the very 1st time me and him forgot the movie's show time... We thought the show time is 8.00pm but actually is 7.00pm. We bought the ticket at 4.00pm thn we go shopping and eat dinner... Juz wan to wait until 8.00pm to watch movie.. When we reach there, i go to buy Ice Lemon Tea combo... Thn he take out the ticket and check which room should we go... Thn we feel weird y the room havent open... Thn we suddenly saw the movie's time is 7.00pm !!!! OMG, we miss the movie - -
Yesterday, we went to The Gardens and wanted to watch Date Night but cant get a good seat, today we went to 1u want to watch it, we got the nice seat but we miss the time... 2 times fail to watch tis movie... It is so (*@&*$^&*@*$

The Complete Ticket !!!
Yesterday, we went to The Gardens and wanted to watch Date Night but cant get a good seat, today we went to 1u want to watch it, we got the nice seat but we miss the time... 2 times fail to watch tis movie... It is so (*@&*$^&*@*$
The Complete Ticket !!!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Finally, i pass my ielts ^^ yoohoo~ Next week is a busy week... Help~~ Everyone, i passed!!!!! HEHEHE~
i hav fun today~
Today, i done my so called "creative presentation", can relax abit.. but tomorrow will be another stressful day for me.. becoz i m going to collect my ielts result.. i am very worry abt it. Today after finish the presentation, me and my housemate go to pyramid's hong kong restaurant. The food are nice ^^ Keep taking picture ^^ thn we went to shopping awhile. I bought a new clothe ^^ happy, i am the person who is very rare to bought a clothe. But i hav abit "sakit hati" becoz it cost me rm49.90 juz for a top... and it is juz a small clothe. However i oso feel very happy to try many clothes and shopping wif thm... Haha~ i hav fun today ^^ woohoo~
Sunday, April 4, 2010
i nvr met a subject tat the presentation make me so headache one... This is very stress and sometimes i really feel like dunwan to care abt it! Next week i hav 2 presentation,1 quiz and next next week i oso hav 2 presentation, might hav 1 quiz~ I tot tis month will be relax abit.. mana tahu, tis month more stress than last month... last month i stress becoz of ielts... whole day at home, i cant think of anything creative, it make me cant relax... my mind keep thinking... oh,shit i m dead...
Ielts result is releasing soon! 9.4.2010 the result will be release. stress!!!! pls stop!

Ielts result is releasing soon! 9.4.2010 the result will be release. stress!!!! pls stop!

Thursday, April 1, 2010
April Fool~
Today i ate my dinner wif some frenz which are chelsie, yancy, victor, nicholas and my lucky star shaun. We went to ate dinner around 9.30pm. After dinner, we went to chelsie home and played a game so called "lamy".(dunno the exact spelling) But it is fun... My first round is straight away lost. After tat, when my lucky star is sitting beside me and i start to become lucky... Continuously won 2 round. After tat we lost a few round thn we continuously won 2 round again.. It is fun, i like it. When we went back, the journey in the car is fun. They keep thinking how to talk to the tol counter's gal. Haha~ After tat, we realize it is 1/4/2010. So we started to played Jo-joan, we cheated her tat our car is "pancek" at the half way... Thn she is abit blur, so we told her it's april fool.. Thn is my turn, i played raymond. I oso talked the same story and he is really very nervous... When i told him it's april fool, he oso blur... It's funny~ haha.. I have a great dinner wif my awesome friends..
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